Sunday, August 24, 2008

Big Big August Round up

So here I am, thinking that I would have way more done- we'll see as I work through this list. 

1) Make an afghan for afghans for Afghans - no real progress on this one. I am trying to use up yarn I already have before buying more, so I did start a scarf. Non-stop Project Runway viewing is surprisingly motivational.
2) Consolidate 401k/IRA/503b plans hanging around from previous jobs - This month I should be transferring my car loan over to my new bank. Once that is done, I'll be able to deal with the retirement stuff.
3) Research before and one year after consolidation the performance of the funds - Nope.
4) Confirm at least once that all address in my address book are accurate - I have begun this and actually contacted people. It is really nice and deleting an address or two hasn't been as traumatic as I thought. Of course, I stalled out a bit because of the next name on the list- this would be a controversial deletion, but I think I will actually attempt a phone call and see how it goes. Deletion to be determined after that.
5) Call everyone who sent me a Christmas card within 6 months of January 1 - This didn't happen, but I am feeling like the process of updating the addresses and getting in contact with people slowly but surely applies to this as well. So I'm calling progress on this one with the ability to change the parameters of this later once I've talked to everyone even if it took me longer.
6) Sell extra books - These are sitting on my floor in bags ready to get out of the house. I have a vacation day tomorrow, so I'm thinking of tossing these in the car and finally getting it done!
7) Buy a good pair of winter boots - I think the season is about to come for this one. 
8) Get a car - Jeep to 2008 Honda Fit. I love my Fit.
9) Watch all my Looney Tunes DVDs - I haven't taken the time for this lately.
10) Lose at least 20 pounds - Ugh. I am at the ultimate plateau for this. My body is fighting hard to stay where I am (which was the weight I was when I got out of high school). I know once I break through, I'll be able to drop 20 pretty easily, but it is getting beyond those first 5 pounds that is proving surprisingly hard. I have a new found dedication, but hope continues to wax and wane.
11) Get green stripe belt - Do to a death in the family followed by a back spasm, I was in no shape to take the last test. I know I can do this- now I need the stars to align slightly better than they were in August.
12) Be able to do a high-section roundhouse kick - In some ways, I think I have done this - well, for short opponents and with help. I have a feeling the dramatic looking high-section kick may not be the ultimate goal if I am realistic.
13) Go to taekwondo class three times a week for at least one month - More talk than action.
14) Finish at least 5 books I haven't finished yet sitting on my shelves - I finished a book on Feng Shui that has been sitting around for years. This prompted me to go into work, make my officemate switch seats with me and change the things hanging on the wall. Truly, he was totally into it and I keep waiting for all that good chi to start making work better. One of five done!
15) Visit Mom for a week - No plans yet, but she visited me for the first time in years.
16) Visit Tim's family - No plans yet.
17) Visit Uncle Matty - I'll be able to see Uncle Matty at the wedding I will be going to at the end of the month. I also unfortunately saw him at a funeral earlier last month- but I'd rather not count that one.
18) Visit family graves - Not done yet.
19) Create a spreadsheet for gift tracking (those I give) - so totally done.
20) Look into loveseat/foldout bed - when Mom came, I got a fold out chair that turns into a single bed. My apartment is small, so this size fits better.
21) Get component cables for Wii - done.
22) Get amber ring fixed - Not done yet, but I have now two amber rings to fix.
23) Finish a Wii game - Not done yet, but I keep working on Dance Dance Revolution.
24) Finish Pikmin 2 - Not done yet, but I better pick up the pace since Pikmin 3 is in development.
25) Finish a DS game - Brain Age made me brilliant
26) Go through living room closet/organize/dispose - Totally and satifyingly done.
27) Try a new recipe every month - Ongoing completion. I don't know officially which was this month's recipe, so I'm going to say Bloody Mary Bread, which was surprisingly good.
28) Finish DK Junglebeat - Nope, although I talked about it this weekend.
29) Get through a Guitar Hero song on Expert - When You Were Young
30) Get Wii Fit and use it - I love the Wii Fit. I was getting up early and doing a half hour for a while. Then we sent the Wii to get repaired and I started sleeping later. Then I decided the 45-50 minutes of Dance Dance Revolution should be enough, but in the end, I know I'll be getting up early again to use it. I do continue to use it for my weigh ins and take the balance tests.
31) Go to eye doctor - Nice lady.
32) Get new glasses - so cool.
33) Get a Dr. Hauschka mask and use it - Time to do it again.
34) Find and buy jeans that fit well - I haven't even tried. Once it gets cooler, this will become more of a priority.
35) Buy a good black turtleneck - Also a cooler weather endeavour
36) Get a bra fitting - A great day.
37) Make something with a piece of fabric I already own - Talk about Project Runway being an inspiration. I haven't quite figured out what to do yet, but I will be on my way with this soon. It may not be a piece of clothing in the end, but if I am successful, I will probably want to branch out.
38) Go through and organize jewelry - Stalled out.
39) Sell/Try to sell something I've made - I don't know what to try to sell. I'm still strategizing.
40) Finish at least 4 of the cross-stitch kits that I have - Reading and knitting and the desire to translate are distracting my creative powers right now.
41) Make 1000 cranes - I'm in the process of stringing them up together for good luck.
42) Make and post a product for my website - Strategizing still
43) Buy beeswax candles - These are surprisingly expensive. I've decided to use up the candles I have first, which will take a little time.
44) Go to a fair - I went shack dining this weekend and discussed fair food with my shack dining companions as we drove by the fairground. I believe this will be achieved in October.
45) Invite someone to my house every month - This is ongoing, but I think this month I might not have invited anyone. Last month I did. 
46) Clean out front room closet - I just added something to the closet.
47) Clean out file cabinet - Soon to be done.
48) Try to print my own photos on printer - After upgrading my operating system, I don't even have my printer attached right now.
49) Organize/Store files sitting under desk - One of three boxes sorted- leading to a huge pile of postcards on my desk that I want to scan.
50) Clean out desk drawers - done! This was a great moment and I don't know why it took so long.
51) Integrate Tim's music into mine - now when we are in the car, he puts his music on the iPod. Sometimes a blessing, sometimes a curse :)
52) Import DVDs into computer- Nope.
53) Look into new harddrive/backup configuration - My OS upgrade is the first step in this. I suppose if all I had to do was "look into" the backup, this is done. I have made my decisions and will proceed as decided.
54) Get Looney Tunes on my iPod - Although this would facilitate my viewing of Looney Tunes, I haven't done it.
55) Catch up on podcasts - This has been fun. I really enjoy listening to these on my daily commute. Bill Moyers, Harry Shearer and Wait! Wait! Don't Tell Me! are great. I still have more to catch up on, but I am making progress.
56) Set up folders for iPod in iTunes and organize updating/synching - I think this is basically done, but will hold off on checking it off until I catch up on one particular podcast.
57) Post to website every month - Please ignore this for now.
58) Fix guestbook on website - and by fixing, I mean eliminate it and its horrible capacity to attract spammers.
59) Choose color scheme for website - done, but the website is not fully compliant.
60) Make booklists on website nicer looking - done- I'm sure there is more improvement possible, but there you go.
61) Decide on other domain name: parked domain or new site and set it up - It is the setup part that still needs to be done
62) Get a full first draft of translation - I am feeling greater and greater pressure from within on this. I really want to get more done: I just need to figure out where to take the time from.
63) Figure out camera settings for indoor group pictures - Seriously, I think on my camera I only have one option, but I'll still look for some help eventually.
64) Find something red to wear for rat year - My rat year is obviously stinky because I did not find my mitigating red object. What to do? I guess that last few months could still be good for me- so I will find something.
65) Figure out what to do with earrings I don't wear - I'm thinking bracelet, but haven't actually looked at what I have to work with yet.
66) Read travel book by Achim von Arnim - Gutenberg Projekt, here I come.
67) Go to geek knitting meeting - This one needs to be re-written since the geek knitting doesn't happen. I'll find another comparable event.
68) Evaluate usefulness of Seashore program - With the upgrade, I wiped this out. In short, it means find a real graphic program. 
69) Create calendar or something to share my pictures - I made little cards out of some pictures. I like them. Some other people like them, too. It was an experiment and I learned through it. I have other ideas now, too.
70) Finish scanning old paper photos - That is part of cleaning out files under the table. Fingers crossed, will be done by the end of this year.
71) Join a guild - Still not sure what to join- my interests bounce around too much. Maybe if I didn't have so many interests this would be easier, but I find lots of things interesting. I can do this and I'll make the decision soon.
72) Get a backup made of my digital/digitized photos - Not done yet.
73) Start to learn a new language - I'm checking out fall classes and haven't made a full decision on what to do yet. Easy, cute language or harder, cute language?
74) Find a Spanish reader and read it- Turns out I have one in the house I never read. 
75) Learn at least 250 kanji - No advancement yet.
76) Read one of the Polish books at home - No advancement yet, although I pulled out a bunch of learning materials and plan on doing some good review.
77) Read through/finish Vietnamese textbook - No advancement yet.
78) Compliment a total stranger - Have I done this? Maybe? I won't count it until I make the conscious effort.
79) Try a new restaurant in downtown Boston - done.
80) Go to NYC - done.
81) See a musical - done (but not in NYC)
82) Buy a friend lunch when it isn't their birthday - I'm looking for the right opportunity, since some people have just said no and given me money. Sometimes people don't understand why someone might want to be nice, I guess.
83) Have a day where I fully live: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all." - Maybe on a vacation day? If I don't remember it, I don't think I can count it.
84) Translate my resume into German - I have my book explaining how a CV should look right next to me. In the next two days, this should be done- perhaps.
85) Take someone on my favorite downtown walk - Some of the things on my walk have changed, so there will be little alterations, but still, someone will go with me.
86) Write letters to three people letting them know how special they are - I'm counting my address confirmation and the letters I am sending as a tiny step to this. I haven't really done it yet, but I have been doing warm up exercises, let's say
87) Set up an ebay account to see that sanrio item - Not yet.
88) Finish a first draft of a creative writing project - I had a story from my life that I had written out before. I sent this to Tim to read, but told him since it was personal that I wasn't sure I wanted to hear anything (in particular, anything critical). This first sharing has motivated me to move on with another story I have, but haven't taken the time to work on since the computer upgrade and trying to get all my files in line.
89) Pay off Citibank card and cancel it - so happy.
90) Spend no money for 4 days straight - I found I didn't take any money out of my account for at least 7 days, but I was buying lunch during that time and some iced coffee, too. I was feeling pretty great about that as a time of not being a hardcore consumer, but it all still counts.
91) Eat at No 9 Park - This place is closing, I hear, so I'll need to do this soon.
92) Eat at Aujord'hui - Not yet.
93) Figure out how I will convert to digital TV - No real plan for this.
94) Bind a book - Nope.
95) Make/Attempt to make all the box patterns in that origami book - Another nope.
96) Make the cherry blossom origami that was the reason I got that other origami book - Thrice nope.
97) Save for/Plan/or Actually take a trip to the Pacific Northwest - This is postponed for now until the whole car things is more under control- or I win the lottery. You gotta play to win.
98) Meet Wendy's children - Plans are for her to move to this side of the country next year. I can't wait for them to be closer.
99) Try to learn a song on the harmonica - No harmonica in my possession at this writing.
100) Learn 5 chords on the guitar and be able to switch between them all well - Still a "to do" item.

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