Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pajama Weekend

Things completed: 27 (ongoing), 33, 45 (ongoing)
Things worked on: 12, 14, 20, 25, 41, 43, 58

This weekend was pajama weekend. I don't get many of these, so it is particularly sweet. This may not be the ideal weekend for the very social, though. In short, I wear pajamas all weekend. Sure, I showered and I changed into normal clothes to go to the grocery store so that I could cook, but the goal is to be in pajamas for as much time as possible. That means I had a lot of time in my house. I always think that I will get more done, but somehow, I don't.

One of my pajama weekend plans was to update this blog as I worked on my 100 things. I was going to (once everything else was completed) begin work specifically on my goals. Now it is almost the end of pajama weekend; tomorrow is back to clothes workweek; and I won't have time to do much more than this update for now.

Three things done- 
27 is make a new recipe every month. This one has been easy to do since I've begun working through cookbooks. I have a few, let's say there are about 50 of them in my house. I haven't cooked out of all of them yet, so I feel it is time to begin. In my substructure of cookbook organizing there are three categories: general, ethnic, and special topic. At any given time, I have determined, I will be working through one of each of these. In addition, I've begun using the bread machine I have pretty regularly, so that means once I start cooking, there are potentially four new recipes going on. This weekend was egg bread (pretty nice, but I think I need to really start buying bread flour to see how differently these recipes turn out), chicken soup (the general cookbook is now in the soups chapter, which is nice with this variable weather), lamb stew (the ethnic cookbook is a multitude of ethnicities and I am currently in the Armenian chapter), and later tonight, pork and apples (Special topic: Low-Fat). The extra bonus to this is all the leftovers I can take to work for lunch.

While shopping for these recipes, I found myself in front of the butcher asking for three different kinds of meat. "Holy cow!" I thought (ironic, because I wan't buying beef), "that is a lot of meat." I don't feel that I need meat for a meal. Sometimes after taekwondo class, I will have only rice and kimchee because I don't feel all that hungry (and I pretend eating Korean food might up my abilities). Martina's been trying out vegetarianism, so this would seem to be the total antithesis of her move. There have been stretches in my life where I was vegetarian at home, but willing to eat meat when I went out. I am almost beginning to think that I should have done that backwards all along. Eating it at home means that I personally selected it- which is even nicer when I can go to the butcher and not just pick something up that is pre-wrapped in plastic. When you eat out, you have no idea of the source, unless they tell you. Some places are obviously better than others, but still. I've even considered looking into buying grass-fed beef just to see what the difference is (and after reading The Omnivore's Dilemma, I thought it an even better idea), although I haven't really eaten beef with much regularity since the weekend I woke up vomitting from a migraine and became reacquainted with the rich beef and red wine dinner from that evening. In the end, though, pajama weekend is not about making life-changing decisions, so I will table these thoughts until I have a less pajama-y weekend.

I completed the second half of 33- use the Hauschka mask. It wasn't all that difficult. I don't think it has changed my life, but it was nice to do. I think I have consistently used their products for a year now. I like them, but they can be expensive, so I was very happy on my one out-of-pajama outing this weekend that I found a sale and was able to get my next round of cleanser and moisturizer slightly cheaper.

Lastly, inviting people over (45) was surprisingly busy last month. My book club came over, I had people over for mahjong and my sister and nephew visited. It was quite a month. This coming month so far, I only have the book club again (co-hosting with someone whose place is a bit too far for convenience for the majority), so I am on track, but scaling it down a little. May's invitation may involve some MarioKart, but we'll see. I also talked to a friend in New York, who was asking if I'd visit this month. I've already got some plans for the rest of this month, so I might be completing my New York goal in May or June, before it gets too hot. 

Time to move on to my next activity. If I achieve anything else in my pajamas, I'll be sure to write. 

1 comment:

Martina said...

Pajama weekends sound like great fun! A friend and I were going to have a sleepover on her living room floor with her kids, pajamas, Buffy dvd's and sleeping bags, but it didn't quit work out. Next weekend, though, it's all vampires and chocolate chip cookies!