Things completed: 0
Things worked on: 4, 5, 38, 40, 65
As happens when riding the bus and trying to ignore everyone else there, I became reflective. On the morning after I had my accidental run-in with the cat, I was thinking on the bus about apologies that don't get heard or communicated. The hardest ones to deal with for me are the ones where I realize much later that I should apologize and now don't have the opportunity. So, Mr. Burkhardt, I'm sorry I was a jerk while sitting in the back of calculus. I wasn't embarassed by how obviously I was ignoring math class at that point, but now I feel bad. You were doing your job and you were nice and I didn't pay attention to those facts. Math has played more of a role in my working history than I ever anticipated. And I'm sorry, Christina, that in 5th or 6th grade I went along with my friend who claimed you were wearing a stuffed bra although I had no evidence. I am sure at this point that my behavior was not the greatest tragedy in either of these lives or the others that I think about periodically. I'm also sure if I had behaved the opposite way that it wouldn't have been the high-point of their lives either. At this point, I am not in contact with these two people, so my apologies now are like apologies to the kitty cat – unheard by those who probably should hear it.
Of course, I will not share with the world all my regrets and all the times I was a real pain in the butt. I will say that for many years I have made only one real New Year's resolution and that is to be a better person than I was the year before. I have tried to be more truthful and more considerate and I am hoping that with these incremental changes over time, I won't be needing to make a lot of apologies in the future for stupid behavior. And I have learned to look under the table before I stretch my feet out, which is already an improvement for this year.
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