On Thursday I went to see Avenue Q. I had first heard of Avenue Q when I was visiting New York a few years ago- probably when it first came out. I remember reading about it in some guide and thinking it would probably be interesting to see a musical with puppets, but that half of a musical is the music and the other half of a musical is the acting and dancing and wouldn't puppets be bad at that?
Then, one night, Tim and I went out with a friend and the guy she was seeing at the time. There was a piano and people were coming up and singing show tunes (and some Sinatra, I think). I wasn't fully aware of the music because it wasn't all familiar to me. And then the song "The Internet is for Porn" was sung by someone, which was totally hilarious. Then "It Sucks To Be Me" was also sung and my friend's guy said that it was music from Avenue Q. I was now more certain that I wanted to see this show even if there was no dancing because the music was probably worth it.
I don't know how I ended up on a mailing list for musicals coming to town, but I am. When I saw Avenue Q was coming, I tried to rally some people from work to go. Some were interested, but not sure. In the end one other person from work went, but it ended up being on a night different from me. I called up a friend who I was pretty sure liked performance that wasn't entirely standard and pitched the show to her. She said she was interested and we went to buy tickets- too late to get tickets seated together.
Not sitting together was OK- we couldn't talk during the performance anyway- although it would have been nice to be together. I admit that I laughed a lot. And the warning about full puppet nudity was totally necessary- Even if they don't have bottom halves.
The first musical I saw was A Chorus Line. I was a younger teenager and I went with my Dad. I seem to remember someone singing about thinking they had gonorrhea. I just would like to thank my Dad for not saying anything to me during that time in the show. I would have died of embarrassment. I'd also like to say even at this age, I don't think I would have wanted either of my parents sitting next to me during the puppet nudity. Call me uptight if you will, but it's true.
This has to be one of the best goals I made. Now it is almost too bad that I achieved it so quickly! I suppose I don't have to have it as an official goal to be able to go to another musical, though. The only sad thing about it was the price. I would be going much more often if the price was better. I don't get much say in the matter, though.
Here's to one more down!
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